Месечният абонамент в онлайн платформата на Йога Вайб ви дава достъп до над 100 професионално заснети класа с професионални инструктори. Тук може да намерите различни стилове йога, пилатес, кондиционни тренировки, мобилност, тренировки за стойки на ръце както и различни нива на трудност - начинаещи, средно ниво и напреднали. С добавянето редовно на нови класове може да разнообразите практиката си и да се предизвиките по всяко време на деня във всяка една точка по света.
Albena has been practicing yoga since 2013, when she discovers the qualities of practice as a tool for balancing chaotic and fast-paced daily life. Over the years, her practice has been constantly changing, and so has she. Trains to Yoga Alliance (200 YTT). She enjoys attending workshops and classes with various teachers, because she believes that yoga is in a constant process of development and this gives her a broader perspective on the modern reading of ancient tradition. He believes that by practicing without expectation and purpose, practice helps people grow beyond the constraints they set themselves, while cultivating control over their own strength, softness and inner peace.
Alex has been doing sports gymnastics for 14 years now. She believes that gymnastics is the foundation of all sports - a combination of strength, flexibility, speed and mobility. Alex is a certified fitness instructor who works with both young children and adults. In gymnastics classes, she emphasizes basic exercises aimed at building strength, flexibility, mobility and coordination.
Alexander has been practicing yoga for 4 years, and after his first class in Vinyasa, he remains fascinated by practice and his Indian teacher. Persistence in practice prompts him to see incredible changes first, initially at the physical and then at the mental level. Alexander is constantly striving to expand his knowledge of the body and movement, combined with breathing techniques for controlling consciousness. Takes Ashtanga Vinyasa TTC courses, Yin Yoga TTC, trains Yoga Alliance (200 Hour YTT). Alex believes that people do not need incredible flexibility to practice, but desire to simply step on the mat without expectations and give time to the body and mind to develop the potential hidden in them.
Anastasia Manliher is a psycho-somatic specialist. She develops motion routine for the health of back and bones, also she does stress-relief trainings and health routine for other parts of the body. Her bachelor degree is psycho-somatic discipline, during which she studies kinesiology and remedial gymnastics, anatomy and physiology, neurology, psychology and psychiatry. Now she successfully finishes her PhD program of Health Psychology in Sofia University.
Deya defines herself as a very active person for whom movement is invariably present in daily life. After a long search and trying out various sports activities, several years ago she discovered yoga, which managed to fulfill her need for both health and body care and inner balance. For Deya, practicing yoga also brings peace of mind, very deep self-discovery and joy of life, and this is what she wants to convey to the yoga practitioners . She is certified 200 YTT at the Yoga Alliance and definitely believes that being a yoga teacher is an endless process of study inward and outward to the people. She believes that yoga can be practiced by anyone who is looking for SelfLove and SelfCare. Deya teaches Vinyasa Flow style, as there she finds an overlap with her own personality and dynamic nature.
Диляна Василева е един от инструкторите, които със своето позитивно мислене и смирение, е успяла да докосне много сърца и да вдъхнови хората да почнат да се занимават по-активно с йога или даже да продължат по нейните стъпки като инструктор, подобрявайки качеството си на живот. Тя е преподавател към Yoga Alliance с 15 годишна практика. Тя е една от малкото български преподаватели, които са имали възможност да се учат на класическия стил на преподаване на ащанга йога в Ащанга Йога Институт в Майсор (Индия). Има бакалавърско образование по Интериорен дизай. Иницирана е в рейки и прана лечение. От личен опит знае за възможностите на физическото и емоционално тяло, да се възстановяват чрез йога практиките, предавайки това знание на тези, които искат да използват този инструмент за своето здраве и благополучие. Има специално отношение към всеки човек, което гради връзката между ученик и учител, и както казва тя - “за мен всеки ученик е учител и учителят е ученик, и този обмен прави света по осъзнат и смислен”.
Dimitrinka Krusteva is a certified yoga instructor RYT200H with the International Yoga Alliance and a Yin Yoga teacher certified as well. The yoga appeared in her life in year 2000 but she has started to practice it seriously later in 2015. Dimitrinka shares that for her the yoga is a journey, love, energy and sharing, a mean to better know your body, to find a way to your inner self. She teaches a classical yoga class and she likes to say that each of her classes is unique just like we feel our body different every day, including basic breathing techniques and relaxation. Dimitrinka Krusteva pays special attention to the safety way we do the postures.
Dragostina got inspired to practice yoga more than 8 years ago. Initially, the yoga practices were a joyful way to counterpart the consequences of a busy life of a mother of two boys and the stress of working at a large corporate company. Gradually, yoga had become an integral part of her life, and she enrolled with great enthusiasm in the Teachers Training at Yoga Alliance and at Face Yoga Expert. These new skills are a great complement to her aromatherapy knowledge, so that she can share with you yoga for everyone: uniting the breath, body, mind and aromas. Dragostina`s classes will be dedicated to the whole body, including special facial techniques.
Elena started yoga in 2009 while studying Accounting and Finance and working in the financial industry. She begins to practice yoga to maintain good sportsmanship and health. In addition to physical health, yoga practices help her achieve inner peace and emotional balance. This is how yoga gradually becomes much more than a sport - her way of life. In 2013 she graduated as a yoga teacher with the acquisition of a postgraduate qualification from the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", where she also studied disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, kinesitherapy and sports medicine. Elena will help you develop the endless challenge that yoga has to offer.
Eleonora has been practicing yoga since 2012 and has been teaching since 2017. She is RYT 200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa certified teacher. Eleonora loves to challenge the capabilities of every visitor of her classes in order to make them feel that they have achieved something more than yesterday. In her practices, she emphasizes the importance of the combination of complete concentration and focus of mind, breathing and vision.
Evgeniya-Ekatma has more than 12 years of teaching experience. Her path led trough different kinds of practices - pilates, yoga for adults, yoga for kids, also Taoist practices such as ninjutsu, baguazhang, Taoist yoga. She has been an infant swimming instructor as well. А significant aspect of her personal growth is her master`s degree in Usui Reiki healing therapy, classical massage, and aromatherapy. She is a qualified Hatha yoga teacher based on the system of one of the oldest traditional institutes in India - "Kaivalyadhama yoga and Ayurveda Institute". The practices she is leading are based on the Taoist conception of Yin and Yang principle of inner work. What drives her to this type of yoga is the feeling that through deep and consistent work with muscles and tissues, the body begins to absorb the natural sense of alignment, and from there, proper breathing and right thinking, accompanied by proper actions in everyday life.
Gabriela has been practicing yoga since 1999. Yoga philosophy has captivated her with its depth and with the opportunities for development it reveals. The impact of yoga on the nervous system, on perception, and on the mind, provokes Gaby to strive for expanding her knowledge. Gaby teaches Hatha Yoga classes which are light and suited to anyone who has the aim and desire to get to know their body and mind better. As side effects of the regular practices with Gaby, her students can notice improvement in the physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being.
Георги Ранчев се интересува от духовно и физическо усъвършенстване още от 14 - годишен. Изучава много системи, пътят му го среща с йога на 20 - годишна възраст и му помага да комбинира философията с физическото осъзнаване. Освен йога, Георги е хиропрактик, приложен кинезиолог и масажист. Практиките му са разнообразни: от терапевтични до силови и интензивни, с насоченост към подобряване на моделите движение и естетически, изграждащи симетрия в тялото.
Gerry has been practicing yoga since 2015, teaching since 2016 and also she a wonderful artist! For her it's important to emphasize tha during each yoga journey it is good to leave expectations aside and to know that yoga is not a race. Gerry believes that regular yoga practice helps us to achieve a balance between tenacity, without violence and softness, without excessive relaxation. Once achieved, this balance leads to confidence and comfort in our physical and emotional relationships with others.
Ирена Попова се занимава с йога от десетилетия. През 2016-та година изкарва обучение за Виняса Флоу йога учители с Мишелин Бери, САЩ. През 2018-та заминава за Ришикеш, Индия, където изкарва едномесечен 300-та часов курс за напреднали учители в Сатва Йога академия, под ръководството на Ананд Мехротра - истински йога Мастър от Хималайската традиция на Бабаджи, чиято мисия е да вдъхновява и упълномощава хора от цял свят да реализират безкрайния потенциал на човешката същност.
Iva discovered the beauty of yoga 10 years ago. Inspired by the harmony she feels, through practice, she feels it is time to deepen her knowledge and try to pass it on. In 2015, she completed the Yoga Alliance Accredited RYT-200 Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali, the short Yin Yoga TT Course in 2018 and the 2019 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course (WRYA 200 TTC). She has practiced different styles over the years, not to find the right one, but because she believes that yoga is one, and presentation is not as important as the philosophy behind every movement and breath. The power of the body and the mind are paramount, because without them, we cannot develop the power of the spirit. Our body is designed to move and exercise. If our lifestyle does not provide it, illness and discomfort develop over time. Yoga is a balance of body, mind and spirit. It helps to achieve an inner peace that affects all aspects of our lives.
След години работа като професионален колоездач, през 2007 година Иван става учител по сноуборд. Именно тогава се обаждат старите травми от колоезденето и йога се явява спасението, благодарение на което той успява да избегне три операции на коленете и кръста. От тогава йога става неизменна част от живота му, вече близо 13 години. Обучавал се е в различни курсове по хатха йога при доказани преподаватели като Даниел Петров – трикратен световен шампион по йога и Ани Павлова, която е сертифициран преподавател в традицията на Сатянанда Йога и дипломирана в Йога университета в щата Бихар, Индия. Изучавал е техниките на Крия Йога при Шибенду Лахири, както и Кундалини вече дълги години при йога учителя Никола Змияров. Иван преподава йога в студио Yoga Vibe от 2019 година.
Katrin-Lilly is a former basketball player. She is a political scientist and a vocational yoga instructor. The traumas she gets teach her that effectiveness comes not only from strength and load training, that every organism is different and there is no single formula that works for everyone. Katrin-Lilly has an internationally recognized group activity instructor certificate. Katrin-Lilly is a Pilates instructor for over 6 years. She builds her practice based on years of training with native and foreign instructors. For her, sport is not simply about health or weight loss, but a way of life - the air without we cannot live.
Kristina discovered yoga 4 years ago, after a long time of experimenting with various sports. She is certified 200TTC Yoga Teacher is Hatha, Shivananda and Ashtanga Yoga. Personally for herself, she has discovered that her mind is happier when the body is physically tired. Therefore, she teaches power ashtanga vinyasa practices, which include modified ashtanga, maisor techniques and a series of energetic poses connected with each other through breathing and active meditation on the move. Her classes begin with warming up the body through Sun Salutation and then continue with poses designed to open and purify the mind and body and to build strength. Kristina always offers variations in asana implementation during the class to make the practice available to everyone. She sees yoga as a path that will continue to develop over the years.
Само до преди няколко години Лили е отдадена на развиването на юридическа си кариера, но дори тогава спортът е любима част от ежедневието й. Йога обаче заема специално място в живота й, защото внася „онзи баланс“ давайки й възможността да вземе най-доброто и от „ двата свята“. За Лили да преподава e удоволствие, но и голяма отговорност, заради възможността да достигаш до хората по един специален начин, да ги мотивираш така, че те да преоткриват вътрешната си сила. Вярвайки, че няма по-велик учител от онзи, който е вътре в нас, Лили ще ви води през нежни, но предизвикателни практики, които ще развият у вас не само сила, издържливост и гъвкавост, но и все по-голяма осъзнатост на движението.
Maggie is certified by the Yoga Alliance, 200 Hour YTT. For her, yoga is the physical practice through which peace of mind is attained. In classes and beginners, she pays attention to the details of the rule of entry into asanas. Initially attracted to the physical part of yoga practice, only a few months later, she became aware of the spiritual transformation that yoga brings.
Mirela started practicing yoga while being a university student of astronomy in the UK. Nowadays she combines teaching and yoga practice with a full-time job in the tech sector. She has attended tens of workshops and yoga classes and went through several teacher trainings. She believes that the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga can have amazing effects in todays quickly-evolving world and can contribute to more mindfulness, health, and harmony with the environment. In her classes Mirela focuses on correct asana postures and breathing that help us discover new horizons in our internal self.
After working intensely in the corporate world for more than a decade, certified lawyer and MBA graduate, Nelly Naseva found yoga and meditation as a relief to her stressful life and busy mind. She is 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She teaches at international festivals and is dedicated to train future teachers.She teaches in a fun and light-hearted way, always aiming to make everyone on the mat happy and conscious about their body and inner well-being. Nelly truly believes that the practice of yoga makes us better people and is the best way to express love and gratitude. Her inspiration for teaching comes from the progress and growth of her students - both on the mat as physical and spiritual growth, and inner happiness.
"Practicing yoga gives me the opportunity to explore my inner being and to express it through teaching," says Nina Denina. Through yoga, she discovers tranquility, harmony, acceptance and pleasure from the movement. That`s why she wants to share the practice with more and more people and lead them towards these inner discoveries. Nina’s mission is to incite people to discover and love themselves by starting from the love and care towards their body. She aims at showing her students the various opportunities the movement gives them, to help them learn to properly position their bodies and to show them how to move with pleasure. Because the stiff body stiffens the mind. Her classes are suitable for both beginners and practitioners. During her classes, she draws attention to the correct positioning of the body when performing yoga asanas as well as focuses on breathing while in movement and stillness.
Niya is a professional coach and a yoga teacher since 2014. After meeting with her spiritual teacher Swami Niranjan, she has gone through numerous yoga trainings: YTT 200H at the Yoga Alliance, Yogic Studies Training 1, Hatha Yoga Training (India), Dhiyana - the art of teaching meditation, Developing human potential through yoga, Meditative. During her classes, Niya teaches different techniques of working with the mind and the awareness.
Nora has become acquainted with the philosophy of Yoga, still at the university where she graduated in Philosophy. Through years of pure theory, her interest has deepened and Yoga becomes her way of life. He has practiced Yoga for more than 10 years, believing that practice develops personality at every level: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In June 2015 he graduated at NSA "Vasil Levski" as a licensed yoga teacher at the Bulgarian Yoga Federation. Sharing the belief that yoga is not just a way of life, it is a constructive transformative force that helps the individual's complete self-realization.
Rayna has practiced yoga for 15 years and she has been teaching for 10 years. She has gone through a number of trainings, workshops, seminars both in Bulgaria and abroad. Rayna graduated from the National Sports Academy, also studied Kundalini yoga at Guru Ratana, Ashtanga yoga with Irina Bachvarova and Mysore style in India. She practiced Satyananda Yoga with Alexandra Vukasinovich and at the Bulgarian Yoga Association. She loves to teach and inspire people for physical and spiritual perfection.
Sanders is the first English speaking teacher to join the online platform of Yoga Vibe. He has extensive experience in teaching yoga, movement and breathwork. Originally from Burkina Faso, Sanders teaches in a flow style, accessible for everyone, while simultaneously providing space for personal growth and development.
For Sandra yoga begins as a challenge for the body, the spirit and the mind, but later the practice becomes a much needed dependency that gives strength, energy, self-control and tranquility. She is a certified instructor by the Bulgarian Ashtanga Yoga Academy and she actively teaches since 2015. For her Ashtanga yoga is a source of perseverance, discipline and concentration, and Vinyasa Flow is the practice which allows creativity, beauty and diversity of movement. Her classes are dynamic and powerful. They are combination of movement through asanas while following the energetic flow of breath. Sandra’s practices heat the body and it is highly unlike to leave her classes with dry clothes. Her inspiration to teach is fueled by the smiles and the gratitude of her students after each class. She believes yoga is a magical experience that helps us to build an extraordinary relationship with ourselves and the other people, while also becoming the best version of ourselves.
Besides being a singer and writer, Svetla Ivanova has practiced yoga for 25 years and for 6 years she has been a teacher. In her classes she combines classical hatha yoga with elements of ashtanga and vinyasa flow. As a typical artist, her every class is different and surprising. At Yoga Vibe East Svetla has two types of practices - Yoga for Pregnant and Yoga & Relaxation. Yoga for pregnant women is a practice dedicated to a more conscious and magical pregnancy, and is appropriate for women from the first to the last month of the pregnancy. At lunchtime, Svetla will immerse you in a beautiful practice called Yoga & Relaxation. This class combines long relaxation and recharging asana practice to lower the tension from the back, neck and shoulders and to refill you with new positive energy. Yoga & Relaxation has elements of gentle vinyasa, classic asanas, pranayama and relaxation, and is appropriate for all levels.
Tanya runs pilates classes in 2013 and yoga from 2018. She has gone through a number of pilates trainings in Russia, Romania and Italy, a course on integral yoga, active relaxation on the Satyananda system at BAY and Yin Yoga Teacher Training at Open Doors Studios . In the Pilates and Yogalate classes, Tanya emphasizes precision, smooth and controlled movement, balance, flexibility and strength, synchronicity between breathing and movement to build the right posture. In yoga practices, the focus is on developing awareness through asana, pranayama, mantra, relaxing and meditation techniques.
After 15 years of competitions and a bunch of National titles, Tsveti decided to diversify her sports activities. So she find yoga a few years ago and became a regular visitor in the hot yoga and vinyasa flow classes. She loves the challenges and more dynamic practices, so the handstands are her favorite part in every class. Earlier this year she was also certified as a Gymnastic Bodies athlete. She attended the classes of Dylan Werner, Daniel Scott, Cristie Christensen, Jules Mitchell and Annie Carpenter. In her own practices, Tsveti combines elements of yoga, gymnastics and ballet.
Днес Ваня е отдадена на Айенгар йога и Хормон йога. Преди време тя открива Айенгар йога в труден и предизвикателен момент в живота си, като веднага усеща невероятниятните ефекти от практиката, не само върху физическото тяло, но и върху умa и емоциите. В последствие започва да практикува и хормон йога, практика, която я пленява. За да сподели ползите от нея и с други жени, Ваня преминава и сертифициран курс за преподавател под директното обучение от самата основателка, Дина Родригес. Айенгар йога практикува при Кристос Павлоу и се обучава за преподавател по този метод в курса към Института по Айенгар йога в Лондон, организиран от Айенгар йога център София. Редовно се обучава с водещи преподаватели от Европа, както и в Института по Айенгар йога в Пуна, Индия.
Velko Peshev graduated from a sports school in Sofia with a profile in gymnastics and NSA. He is a former national gymnastics competitor and multiple Republican champion. After termination of his sports career, he began stunting and participated in famous stunt shows throughout Europe. And so far this remains his hobby and profession. For the last 2 years he has been dedicated to coaching and shares his rich experience with beginners and advanced people who have the same passion for gymnastics and physical fitness.
Veneta Evtimova has a biological degree, completing a Master`s degree in Human Physiology at Sofia University. She is a certified Yoga Alliance teacher. Veneta attends and studies in various courses and seminars related to human physiology, psychomotorik and energy. She is convinced of the possibilities of the holistic approach of yoga practice to restore health, balance and abundance and seeks to apply it in her practice.
Vesela is a yoga instructor, a nutritionist and a health coach. "It is nice when someone takes care of you, especially if this someone is you." This is not only her motto, but also her life philosophy! She is combining her knowledge and experience as a nutritionist and a health coach with teaching yoga, which helps her to inspire people to go on the journey to getting to know themselves. Vesela has been practicing yoga for more than 7 years, as well as she has been gaining knowledge from teachers in Austria and Germany. Her classes include elements from different styles and techniques combined into a smooth vinyasa. The correct performance of the poses as well as the balance between strength and tenderness are the key to Vesela. For her yoga does not only happen on the mat, but also in life - it is a source of balance, inspiration and flexibility of the mind.
Victoria is a certified Yoga Teacher at the US Yoga Alliance from Ukraine. Her Hatha Yoga classes are applicable for both beginners and intermediate students, a class level is chosen according to the current needs of the practitioners. Each class includes asana, vinyasa, vyayama, basic pranayama, concentration and relaxation techniques, focused on the long-time holding in the postures. The important thing she pays attention to is safety and proper asana adjustment as well as support of healthy spine.
Vio is one of those teachers who are perceived and presented as students. For her, the yoga practice is a constant search, research, and knowledge that must be available to everyone. The transmission of this knowledge has become a goal and a mission for Violeta and today she is fully committed to her development in the field. After many years of practice and training in several countries with well-established teachers, she build her own style of teaching the Vinyasa Flow style. Her classes are focused on the breath, the correct alignment of the body in the asanas, and the incorporation of the philosophy into practice. Vio believes that yoga practice is an experience that needs the teacher's support with personal attitude and attention to detail - expect to get exactly that in her classes.
Според Йоана, спортът е неизменна част от това, човек да се чувства добре в кожата си, което допринася и за психическото състояние. Тя е в непрестанно учене и търсене на перфектната комбинация между високо интензивни тренировки, упражнения за сила, издръжливост, мобилност и гъвкавост, което за нея е ключът към здравото и функционално тяло. По време на нейните практики се обръща внимание на техниката на изпълнение на упражненията и ползите от тях, правилното дишане, възстановяване и преодоляване на бариерите на ума. Йоана държи винаги да има комуникация с хората в практиките, за да им даде това, от което те имат нужда.