Elena Sofianska
Elena started yoga in 2009 while studying Accounting and Finance and working in the financial industry. She begins to practice yoga to maintain good sportsmanship and health. In addition to physical health, yoga practices help her achieve inner peace and emotional balance. This is how yoga gradually becomes much more than a sport - her way of life. In 2013 she graduated as a yoga teacher with the acquisition of a postgraduate qualification from the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", where she also studied disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, kinesitherapy and sports medicine. Elena will help you develop the endless challenge that yoga has to offer.
Elena started yoga in 2009 while studying Accounting and Finance and working in the financial industry. She begins to practice yoga to maintain good sportsmanship and health. In addition to physical health, yoga practices help her achieve inner peace and emotional balance. This is how yoga gradually becomes much more than a sport - her way of life. In 2013 she graduated as a yoga teacher with the acquisition of a postgraduate qualification from the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", where she also studied disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, kinesitherapy and sports medicine. Elena will help you develop the endless challenge that yoga has to offer.

Elena Sofianska ·
Pilates Pilates
Йогалатес е практика, която комбинира упражнения от пилатес за сила и ефективни йога асани за гъвкавост. Този един час е подходящ за всеки, който иска да тонизира, заздрави и разтегне тялото си.

Elena Sofianska ·
Classic yoga Classic yoga
Йога за раздвижване на тялото
Йога за раздвижване на тялото
Практиката ще има терапевтичен ефект върху тялото и ума. Ще ни помогне да се почувстваме по-добре в тялото си, като се разтегнем и раздвижим . В същото време ще оставим ума да се отпусне и да си почине от стреса в ежедневието. Практиката ще е лека и приятна и е подходяща за всички любители на йога.