"Practicing yoga gives me the opportunity to explore my inner being and to express it through teaching," says Nina Denina. Through yoga, she discovers tranquility, harmony, acceptance and pleasure from the movement. That`s why she wants to share the practice with more and more people and lead them towards these inner discoveries. Nina’s mission is to incite people to discover and love themselves by starting from the love and care towards their body. She aims at showing her students the various opportunities the movement gives them, to help them learn to properly position their bodies and to show them how to move with pleasure. Because the stiff body stiffens the mind. Her classes are suitable for both beginners and practitioners. During her classes, she draws attention to the correct positioning of the body when performing yoga asanas as well as focuses on breathing while in movement and stillness.
Сила, баланс, заземяване
Hatha Yoga
В тази практика насочваме вниманието към краката и центъра си, за да раздвижим и засилим стъпала и глезени, прасци, бедра, седалище и корем. Активираме стъпалата, за да установим силна връзка със земята, която ни подкрепя, дава ни стабилност и чувство за баланс. Балансът на физическо ниво ни носи баланс на мисли, чувства, емоции и усещане за цялостност.