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Hatha Yoga
Погрижете се за себе си и възстановете силите си с този йога клас в хармония с природните закони и сезоните. Позите са подбрани така, че да помогнат за възстановяване на баланса и засилване на енергията. Ще практикуваме нежни и съзнати движения за да подобрим подвижността на ставите, освободим напрежението, подобрим гъвкавостта и изградим вътрешна устойчивост.
Alexandra Vukasinovic is from Belgrade, Serbia and has been practicing yoga for more than 25 years. Teacher for 20 years and 15 years of them - in Bulgaria. Her Yoga Practice and Teaching Training starts in Belgrade and is developed in Bihar School of Yoga (BSY) in India - the first Yoga University and Satyananda Yoga Academy in Greece. In 1994, she went to India for a first time to meet her spiritual teachers Swami Satyananda and Swami Nirandananda Saraswati. Since then, she has been regularly attending yoga classes, seminars and events, holy places and cities in India. In this way, she constantly develops and develops her knowledge and experience.
In classical (integral - Satyananda) yoga, she has found a comprehensive, systematic and scientific approach to the development of all aspects of the human person - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
For her, yoga is a way of life and she believes that through inspiration, understanding and practice we can achieve balance and harmony in our lives.
In classical (integral - Satyananda) yoga, she has found a comprehensive, systematic and scientific approach to the development of all aspects of the human person - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
For her, yoga is a way of life and she believes that through inspiration, understanding and practice we can achieve balance and harmony in our lives.
Възстановяваща пролетна практика
Hatha Yoga
Погрижете се за себе си и възстановете силите си с този йога клас в хармония с природните закони и сезоните. Позите са подбрани така, че да помогнат за възстановяване на баланса и засилване на енергията. Ще практикуваме нежни и съзнати движения за да подобрим подвижността на ставите, освободим напрежението, подобрим гъвкавостта и изградим вътрешна устойчивост.