Опитайте вкуса на щастието
Пилатес практиката е нискоинтензивна гимнастика, която съчетава психическата релаксация с укрепването и баланса на мускулите на цялото тяло. Тези класове дават възможност на практикуващите да осъзнаят тялото си, да развият нервно-мускулна координация, да се научат на правилни двигателни навици и да установят истински контрол върху движенията. Допълнителни ползи са също и подобряването на стойката, както и задълбочаване на гъвкавостта.
Нови класове
Пилатес за коремните мускули
Тренировката е подходяща за напреднали. С това занимание ще предизвиквате силата и издръжливостта на коремната мускулатура и на целия естествен корсет на тялото (CORE). Работи се с различни варианти на упражнението дъска (plank), както и с такива, изикващи сила и контрол в центъра на тялото.
Инструктори в програмата
Elena started yoga in 2009 while studying Accounting and Finance and working in the financial industry. She begins to practice yoga to maintain good sportsmanship and health. In addition to physical health, yoga practices help her achieve inner peace and emotional balance. This is how yoga gradually becomes much more than a sport - her way of life. In 2013 she graduated as a yoga teacher with the acquisition of a postgraduate qualification from the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", where she also studied disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, kinesitherapy and sports medicine. Elena will help you develop the endless challenge that yoga has to offer.
Tanya runs pilates classes in 2013 and yoga from 2018. She has gone through a number of pilates trainings in Russia, Romania and Italy, a course on integral yoga, active relaxation on the Satyananda system at BAY and Yin Yoga Teacher Training at Open Doors Studios . In the Pilates and Yogalate classes, Tanya emphasizes precision, smooth and controlled movement, balance, flexibility and strength, synchronicity between breathing and movement to build the right posture. In yoga practices, the focus is on developing awareness through asana, pranayama, mantra, relaxing and meditation techniques.
After 15 years of competitions and a bunch of National titles, Tsveti decided to diversify her sports activities. So she find yoga a few years ago and became a regular visitor in the hot yoga and vinyasa flow classes. She loves the challenges and more dynamic practices, so the handstands are her favorite part in every class. Earlier this year she was also certified as a Gymnastic Bodies athlete. She attended the classes of Dylan Werner, Daniel Scott, Cristie Christensen, Jules Mitchell and Annie Carpenter. In her own practices, Tsveti combines elements of yoga, gymnastics and ballet.
Katrin-Lilly is a former basketball player. She is a political scientist and a vocational yoga instructor. The traumas she gets teach her that effectiveness comes not only from strength and load training, that every organism is different and there is no single formula that works for everyone. Katrin-Lilly has an internationally recognized group activity instructor certificate. Katrin-Lilly is a Pilates instructor for over 6 years. She builds her practice based on years of training with native and foreign instructors. For her, sport is not simply about health or weight loss, but a way of life - the air without we cannot live.