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Йога и релаксация с тибетски купи
Hatha Yoga
Този клас обединява осъзнатото движение на тялото със способността ни да пуснем контрола и да преминем в състояние на възстановяване. Първата част от класа ще раздвижи и тонизира цялото тяло, подготвяйки го за дълбока релаксация под звуците на тибетските купи.
Инструктори в програмата
Alex has been doing sports gymnastics for 14 years now. She believes that gymnastics is the foundation of all sports - a combination of strength, flexibility, speed and mobility. Alex is a certified fitness instructor who works with both young children and adults. In gymnastics classes, she emphasizes basic exercises aimed at building strength, flexibility, mobility and coordination.
Георги Ранчев се интересува от духовно и физическо усъвършенстване още от 14 - годишен. Изучава много системи, пътят му го среща с йога на 20 - годишна възраст и му помага да комбинира философията с физическото осъзнаване. Освен йога, Георги е хиропрактик, приложен кинезиолог и масажист. Практиките му са разнообразни: от терапевтични до силови и интензивни, с насоченост към подобряване на моделите движение и естетически, изграждащи симетрия в тялото.
Диляна Василева е един от инструкторите, които със своето позитивно мислене и смирение, е успяла да докосне много сърца и да вдъхнови хората да почнат да се занимават по-активно с йога или даже да продължат по нейните стъпки като инструктор, подобрявайки качеството си на живот. Тя е преподавател към Yoga Alliance с 15 годишна практика. Тя е една от малкото български преподаватели, които са имали възможност да се учат на класическия стил на преподаване на ащанга йога в Ащанга Йога Институт в Майсор (Индия). Има бакалавърско образование по Интериорен дизай. Иницирана е в рейки и прана лечение. От личен опит знае за възможностите на физическото и емоционално тяло, да се възстановяват чрез йога практиките, предавайки това знание на тези, които искат да използват този инструмент за своето здраве и благополучие. Има специално отношение към всеки човек, което гради връзката между ученик и учител, и както казва тя - “за мен всеки ученик е учител и учителят е ученик, и този обмен прави света по осъзнат и смислен”.
Gabriela has been practicing yoga since 1999. Yoga philosophy has captivated her with its depth and with the opportunities for development it reveals. The impact of yoga on the nervous system, on perception, and on the mind, provokes Gaby to strive for expanding her knowledge. Gaby teaches Hatha Yoga classes which are light and suited to anyone who has the aim and desire to get to know their body and mind better. As side effects of the regular practices with Gaby, her students can notice improvement in the physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being.
Alexandra Vukasinovic is from Belgrade, Serbia and has been practicing yoga for more than 25 years. Teacher for 20 years and 15 years of them - in Bulgaria. Her Yoga Practice and Teaching Training starts in Belgrade and is developed in Bihar School of Yoga (BSY) in India - the first Yoga University and Satyananda Yoga Academy in Greece. In 1994, she went to India for a first time to meet her spiritual teachers Swami Satyananda and Swami Nirandananda Saraswati. Since then, she has been regularly attending yoga classes, seminars and events, holy places and cities in India. In this way, she constantly develops and develops her knowledge and experience.
In classical (integral - Satyananda) yoga, she has found a comprehensive, systematic and scientific approach to the development of all aspects of the human person - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
For her, yoga is a way of life and she believes that through inspiration, understanding and practice we can achieve balance and harmony in our lives.
In classical (integral - Satyananda) yoga, she has found a comprehensive, systematic and scientific approach to the development of all aspects of the human person - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
For her, yoga is a way of life and she believes that through inspiration, understanding and practice we can achieve balance and harmony in our lives.
Nora has become acquainted with the philosophy of Yoga, still at the university where she graduated in Philosophy. Through years of pure theory, her interest has deepened and Yoga becomes her way of life. He has practiced Yoga for more than 10 years, believing that practice develops personality at every level: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In June 2015 he graduated at NSA "Vasil Levski" as a licensed yoga teacher at the Bulgarian Yoga Federation. Sharing the belief that yoga is not just a way of life, it is a constructive transformative force that helps the individual's complete self-realization.
Ирена Попова се занимава с йога от десетилетия. През 2016-та година изкарва обучение за Виняса Флоу йога учители с Мишелин Бери, САЩ. През 2018-та заминава за Ришикеш, Индия, където изкарва едномесечен 300-та часов курс за напреднали учители в Сатва Йога академия, под ръководството на Ананд Мехротра - истински йога Мастър от Хималайската традиция на Бабаджи, чиято мисия е да вдъхновява и упълномощава хора от цял свят да реализират безкрайния потенциал на човешката същност.
Vesela is a yoga instructor, a nutritionist and a health coach. "It is nice when someone takes care of you, especially if this someone is you." This is not only her motto, but also her life philosophy! She is combining her knowledge and experience as a nutritionist and a health coach with teaching yoga, which helps her to inspire people to go on the journey to getting to know themselves. Vesela has been practicing yoga for more than 7 years, as well as she has been gaining knowledge from teachers in Austria and Germany. Her classes include elements from different styles and techniques combined into a smooth vinyasa. The correct performance of the poses as well as the balance between strength and tenderness are the key to Vesela. For her yoga does not only happen on the mat, but also in life - it is a source of balance, inspiration and flexibility of the mind.
След години работа като професионален колоездач, през 2007 година Иван става учител по сноуборд. Именно тогава се обаждат старите травми от колоезденето и йога се явява спасението, благодарение на което той успява да избегне три операции на коленете и кръста. От тогава йога става неизменна част от живота му, вече близо 13 години. Обучавал се е в различни курсове по хатха йога при доказани преподаватели като Даниел Петров – трикратен световен шампион по йога и Ани Павлова, която е сертифициран преподавател в традицията на Сатянанда Йога и дипломирана в Йога университета в щата Бихар, Индия. Изучавал е техниките на Крия Йога при Шибенду Лахири, както и Кундалини вече дълги години при йога учителя Никола Змияров. Иван преподава йога в студио Yoga Vibe от 2019 година.
"Practicing yoga gives me the opportunity to explore my inner being and to express it through teaching," says Nina Denina. Through yoga, she discovers tranquility, harmony, acceptance and pleasure from the movement. That`s why she wants to share the practice with more and more people and lead them towards these inner discoveries. Nina’s mission is to incite people to discover and love themselves by starting from the love and care towards their body. She aims at showing her students the various opportunities the movement gives them, to help them learn to properly position their bodies and to show them how to move with pleasure. Because the stiff body stiffens the mind. Her classes are suitable for both beginners and practitioners. During her classes, she draws attention to the correct positioning of the body when performing yoga asanas as well as focuses on breathing while in movement and stillness.
Victoria is a certified Yoga Teacher at the US Yoga Alliance from Ukraine. Her Hatha Yoga classes are applicable for both beginners and intermediate students, a class level is chosen according to the current needs of the practitioners. Each class includes asana, vinyasa, vyayama, basic pranayama, concentration and relaxation techniques, focused on the long-time holding in the postures. The important thing she pays attention to is safety and proper asana adjustment as well as support of healthy spine.
Vio is one of those teachers who are perceived and presented as students. For her, the yoga practice is a constant search, research, and knowledge that must be available to everyone. The transmission of this knowledge has become a goal and a mission for Violeta and today she is fully committed to her development in the field. After many years of practice and training in several countries with well-established teachers, she build her own style of teaching the Vinyasa Flow style. Her classes are focused on the breath, the correct alignment of the body in the asanas, and the incorporation of the philosophy into practice. Vio believes that yoga practice is an experience that needs the teacher's support with personal attitude and attention to detail - expect to get exactly that in her classes.
Niya is a professional coach and a yoga teacher since 2014. After meeting with her spiritual teacher Swami Niranjan, she has gone through numerous yoga trainings: YTT 200H at the Yoga Alliance, Yogic Studies Training 1, Hatha Yoga Training (India), Dhiyana - the art of teaching meditation, Developing human potential through yoga, Meditative. During her classes, Niya teaches different techniques of working with the mind and the awareness.
Veneta Evtimova has a biological degree, completing a Master`s degree in Human Physiology at Sofia University. She is a certified Yoga Alliance teacher. Veneta attends and studies in various courses and seminars related to human physiology, psychomotorik and energy. She is convinced of the possibilities of the holistic approach of yoga practice to restore health, balance and abundance and seeks to apply it in her practice.