Нови класове
Стабилност, издължаване и сила
Classic yoga
Този клас ще изгради сила в страничните части на тялото ви, активирайки и някои труднодостъпни мускули на ядрото (obliques ). Едновременно с това ще ви преведе и през пози за издължаване и отпускане, които ще допълнят усещането за хармония в цялата практика.
Инструктори в програмата
For Sandra yoga begins as a challenge for the body, the spirit and the mind, but later the practice becomes a much needed dependency that gives strength, energy, self-control and tranquility. She is a certified instructor by the Bulgarian Ashtanga Yoga Academy and she actively teaches since 2015. For her Ashtanga yoga is a source of perseverance, discipline and concentration, and Vinyasa Flow is the practice which allows creativity, beauty and diversity of movement. Her classes are dynamic and powerful. They are combination of movement through asanas while following the energetic flow of breath. Sandra’s practices heat the body and it is highly unlike to leave her classes with dry clothes. Her inspiration to teach is fueled by the smiles and the gratitude of her students after each class. She believes yoga is a magical experience that helps us to build an extraordinary relationship with ourselves and the other people, while also becoming the best version of ourselves.
Nora has become acquainted with the philosophy of Yoga, still at the university where she graduated in Philosophy. Through years of pure theory, her interest has deepened and Yoga becomes her way of life. He has practiced Yoga for more than 10 years, believing that practice develops personality at every level: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In June 2015 he graduated at NSA "Vasil Levski" as a licensed yoga teacher at the Bulgarian Yoga Federation. Sharing the belief that yoga is not just a way of life, it is a constructive transformative force that helps the individual's complete self-realization.
Elena started yoga in 2009 while studying Accounting and Finance and working in the financial industry. She begins to practice yoga to maintain good sportsmanship and health. In addition to physical health, yoga practices help her achieve inner peace and emotional balance. This is how yoga gradually becomes much more than a sport - her way of life. In 2013 she graduated as a yoga teacher with the acquisition of a postgraduate qualification from the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", where she also studied disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, kinesitherapy and sports medicine. Elena will help you develop the endless challenge that yoga has to offer.
Само до преди няколко години Лили е отдадена на развиването на юридическа си кариера, но дори тогава спортът е любима част от ежедневието й. Йога обаче заема специално място в живота й, защото внася „онзи баланс“ давайки й възможността да вземе най-доброто и от „ двата свята“. За Лили да преподава e удоволствие, но и голяма отговорност, заради възможността да достигаш до хората по един специален начин, да ги мотивираш така, че те да преоткриват вътрешната си сила. Вярвайки, че няма по-велик учител от онзи, който е вътре в нас, Лили ще ви води през нежни, но предизвикателни практики, които ще развият у вас не само сила, издържливост и гъвкавост, но и все по-голяма осъзнатост на движението.
Alexander has been practicing yoga for 4 years, and after his first class in Vinyasa, he remains fascinated by practice and his Indian teacher. Persistence in practice prompts him to see incredible changes first, initially at the physical and then at the mental level. Alexander is constantly striving to expand his knowledge of the body and movement, combined with breathing techniques for controlling consciousness. Takes Ashtanga Vinyasa TTC courses, Yin Yoga TTC, trains Yoga Alliance (200 Hour YTT). Alex believes that people do not need incredible flexibility to practice, but desire to simply step on the mat without expectations and give time to the body and mind to develop the potential hidden in them.