Цена: 45.00 лв
Първи стъпки в йога
Последователност от 7 видеа с Нели и Вио, които ви въвеждат в йога, изграждат правилната позиция на тялото, помагат да отпуснете ума и да се слеете с практиката. Видеата умело и постепенно подготвят тялото за асаните, изграждат гъвкавост, баланс и лекота в движенията, учат на търпение. Препоръчваме на всеки начинаещ да започне с тази програма, за да може след това уверено и естествено да премине към останалите видове йога. Цената на програмата е 45 лв., а закупувайки я, ще имате достъп до нея в продължение на 3 месеца.
Ресторативна йога - ритрийт център
“Ритрийт” означава отдръпване. Отдръпнете се от бързината навън, прибирайки се към покоя вътре. Подгответе си приятна атмосфера, в която да се отпуснете, отдръпнете от външния свят и потънете в дълбините на същността си. Ще ви трябват 2 одеала, 2 блокчета и 2 болстера.
Инструктори в програмата
Vio is one of those teachers who are perceived and presented as students. For her, the yoga practice is a constant search, research, and knowledge that must be available to everyone. The transmission of this knowledge has become a goal and a mission for Violeta and today she is fully committed to her development in the field. After many years of practice and training in several countries with well-established teachers, she build her own style of teaching the Vinyasa Flow style. Her classes are focused on the breath, the correct alignment of the body in the asanas, and the incorporation of the philosophy into practice. Vio believes that yoga practice is an experience that needs the teacher's support with personal attitude and attention to detail - expect to get exactly that in her classes.
After working intensely in the corporate world for more than a decade, certified lawyer and MBA graduate, Nelly Naseva found yoga and meditation as a relief to her stressful life and busy mind. She is 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She teaches at international festivals and is dedicated to train future teachers.She teaches in a fun and light-hearted way, always aiming to make everyone on the mat happy and conscious about their body and inner well-being. Nelly truly believes that the practice of yoga makes us better people and is the best way to express love and gratitude. Her inspiration for teaching comes from the progress and growth of her students - both on the mat as physical and spiritual growth, and inner happiness.